A three-part documentary based on Shiho Fukada’s portrait series, Japan’s Disposable Workers. The three sections are: Overworked to Suicide After the recession of the 1990s, Japan’s white collar salarymen increasingly...

High on a mountain, three shamans sit cross-legged on a great burial stone, gazing out across a moonlit valley. They are singing, a slow ululation that fades into the predawn...

Mercy Owiti is a palliative care nurse in Nyeri, Kenya. But caring for patients at the end of life often means more than just pain relief. That’s why the Kenya...

Russia is home to the world’s fastest-growing HIV epidemic. Driven by injection drug use, it is now becoming generalized. A zero-tolerance policy toward drug use in the country bans harm...

Uganda has a severe HIV epidemic. AIDS is the leading cause of death among adults. Widespread rights violations put some people at a greater risk of HIV—like widows, sex workers,...

A woman visits a gynecologist for a check-up but the office demands she pay a fee for a service that is free. A young child and his parents are never...

A video about violence against women in Zambia produced by Adam Patterson and Sam Strickland for YWCA Zambia. Click HERE to watch the campaign’s TV spot. Editor: Paul Trewartha

Save the Children in Jordan commissioned the Dutch photographer and director Chris de Bode and the Dutch filmmaker Steven Elbers to produce a short documentary, ‘Living on Scrap’, a story...

In Freetown Central Prison juveniles serve time alongside up to 1,300 adult prisoners in appalling conditions. Overcrowding, malnutrition, cells without toilets, violence, sexual harassment, infectious diseases, poor hygiene and a...

Trailer for a series of films produced by Adam Patterson & Sam Strickland for Dazed & Confused.

Brain-machine interface is a fascinating field of research: it allows people to control machines thanks to their cerebral activity and it seems particularly well designed for people with disabilities. A...

‘The Fight’ is a trilogy about children and cancer shot and edited by Christian Als for the Danish broadcaster TV2.

A short film shot by Adam Patterson for Channel4 about the lives of three young people in south Dublin.

Over the past 20 years, many of Romania’s migrant labourers have done well for themselves in France, Italy, Spain and the UK. Nowhere is their affluence more visible than back...

Greenland’s vast natural resources, ranging from oil and gas to uranium, rare earth and iron ore, have remained largely inaccessible under thick layers of ice, making them too difficult and...

There are 75,000 Baka pygmies in Cameroon. Traditionally nomadic, the tribe is being forced from its forest home by the logging industry. The Baka have been resettled and they face...