E : XILE follows the story of Dlshad Othman, a Syrian digital security expert and human rights activist hiding out in Ireland. From a small village outside Dublin, Dlshad works...

Benny Villanova has seen things. He is a Sicilian immigrant, a Vietnam veteran, a former sanitation worker, and most recently a “certified” garbologist. Benny scours the neighborhood, collecting what others...

With the support of Oxfam Novib, Woye Microfinance Institution empowers women in South Sudan. Watch Grace’s success story. Filmed by Sven Torfinn.

With the support of Oxfam Novib, Woye Microfinance Institution empowers women in South Sudan. Watch Monica’s success story. Filmed by Sven Torfinn.

The classic picture of a refugee camp is becoming obsolete. Refugees and displaced people move to the city in the hope of finding a sense of community, safety and economic...

The classic picture of a refugee camp is becoming obsolete. Refugees and displaced people move to the city in the hope of finding a sense of community, safety and economic...

The classic picture of a refugee camp is becoming obsolete. Refugees and displaced people move to the city in the hope of finding a sense of community, safety and economic...

The classic picture of a refugee camp is becoming obsolete. Refugees and displaced people move to the city in the hope of finding a sense of community, safety and economic...

The classic picture of a refugee camp is becoming obsolete. Refugees and displaced people move to the city in the hope of finding a sense of community, safety and economic...

The classic picture of a refugee camp is becoming obsolete. Refugees and displaced people move to the city in the hope of finding a sense of community, safety and economic...

Warsaw seen with the eyes of a foreigner. This film is part of a project about life in Warsaw. Shot, edited and produced by Piotr Malecki.

“He is a friend, and he is an unassuming hero. I also think the fact that he is both awkward and a shy newspaper reporter makes him like everybody else....

Winner at this year’s AOP awards, this short by Adam Hinton is the latest in his series of documentaries about people who live in Urban Slums around the world. Rowena...

Since 1957, the Al Nour Wal Amal Association has been providing free education, vocational training and career advice to blind girls and women in Cairo and its classical orchestra has...

The Youth Employment Network (YEN) works to engage, educate and motivate actors to provide improved employment opportunities for youth. YEN’s Youth to Youth Fund aims to provide youth led organizations...

Whilst working on his project in Caracas Adam Hinton interviewed a young woman, Alimar Teresa Perdomo. Without any prompting she told him about the time she was kidnapped by a...