The feature length documentary GAZA, by Panos photographer and film maker Andrew McConnell and Garry Keane, premiered at Sundance Film Festival, will be shown as part of the Refugee Week...

Two Panos photographers – Andrew Esiebo and Frédéric Noy – have been shortlisted for the Contemporary African Photography Prize (CAP). Andrew has been nominated for his work on Amah Ayivi,...

Robin Hammond‘s groundbreaking series of portraits of LGBTI people around the world who are facing discrimination because of their sexuality – Where Love Is Illegal – has been published by...

Markel Redondo has shot a short film for BBC Reel on the island of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe in the Bay of Biscay which has featured in the Game of...

Markel Redondo, who has produced award-winning photographic and video work on the real estate bubble that burst spectacularly in 2008, is being featured in a documentary produced by the Franco-German...

Tom Pilston‘s recent work from Sierra Leone, shot for Christian Aid, has been published in the Herald Magazine.

Catalina Martin-Chico’s work on the crisis in Yemen, a country she has been documenting for years, is being exhibited at the Centre culturel de la Visitation in Périgueux, France, until...

William Daniels is exhibiting work from four countries as part of an photographic montage called Wilting Point at the Vieille Eglise Saint-Vincent in Mérignac, France until 9 June 2019.

Vlad Sokhin will be exhibiting his expansive photo project on the effects of climate change on the Pacific region at this year’s World Village Festival which takes place in Kaisaniemi...

Three Panos photographers – Mads Nissen, Patrick Brown and Francesco Cito – will be participating in this year’s IMP Festival in Padova, Italy, from 10 to 26 May 2019. Mads...

Berlin’s traditional Litfaßsäulen, a classic advertising column, are about to disappear. Despite strong opposition from nostalgic residents who see the 19th century structures as part of the city’s cultural heritage,...

Elena Chernyshova‘s unique body of work about the Russian city of Norilsk, high above the Arctic Circle, is being exhibited at Milan’s c|e contemporary gallery from 11 April until 5...

Kieran Dodds‘ extensive work on the church forests of Ethiopia, a country that has lost some 95% of its native forest in the past century, has been shortlisted for a...

Carlos Spottorno‘s unique take on the ancient city of Palmyra and the effect of the Syrian Civil War on efforts to preserve the priceless treasures has been shortlisted for the...

Nora Lorek‘s recent work on children living in the world’s second largest refugee camp settlement Bidibidi in Uganda, exploring the ways they use primitive things available to them to create...

Shiho Fukada has won the Feature Photography Award at this year’s Overseas Press Club of America awards with her incisive piece about old people in prison in Japan, some of...