Sean Sutton’s recent work from South Sudan has been published on the MSF website. To see more, click on the image below or here.

Nick Hannes long-term project “New Capitals” has been published in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in Germany. To view further images, please click here.

Frédéric Noy’s study of Kazakhstan, where he was based for a number of years, has been published in GEO magazine in France. To view more, please click here.

Nick Hannes long-term project “New Capitals” has been published in Bauwelt Magazin in Germany. To view further images, please click here.

Simon Townsley has won the Photojournalist of the Year award at this year’s Society of Editors’ Media Freedom Awards (MFA). The awards recognise “excellence in campaigning and investigate journalism’. We...

Sean Sutton‘s recent work from Abyei, a disputed piece of territory on the border between Sudan and South Sudan, has been published in The Guardian. To view the full story,...

Laurent Weyl’s latest feature about a Chinese high-speed railway that is being built across Laos has been published in Le Figaro magazine in France.

Tommy Trenchard’s latest story on the troubled Tonle Sap lake in Cambodia has been published in Geographical Magazine in the UK. To view the full story, please click here.

Pascal Maitre’s feature on the charcoal industry across Africa and Asia has been published in Paris Match magazine in France. to view the full story, please click here.

Markel Redondo’s story on a village populated entirely by people with Alzheimer’s has been published in Spain’s XL Semanal magazine.

Rhodri Jones is exhibiting his multi-year project ‘Feste’ (‘festivals’ or ‘celebrations’), started over three decades ago and completed recently, at Bologna’s QR Photogallery from 20 October until 19 November 2023....

Panos Pictures has teamed up with UNHCR, the UN’s refugee agency, to produce an exhibition of portraits telling the stories of individuals, organisations and communities across the UK who are...

To view the full story, please click here.

To view the full story, please click here.

To see the full story, please click here.