“Guards across Europe always looked at me weird when they searched my bag,” remembers Alqumit. “But I don’t care, I can’t live without my music.”

“I can’t tell you how much my life changed and how free I feel. Every day I wake up and say ‘Oh my God, I am in Sweden’. It’s magical. I can say what I like, do what I like.

“The people here, the support, the culture, the safety, it’s a whole other world, especially for a gay person from the Arab world.”

Farah, Milad and Waleed became internally displaced long before they left Syria. They fled their home in 2012, first staying in hotels or with relatives or friends. Eventually, during one family dinner, a missile landed across the street, burning everything, and they decided to leave.

Farah and Waleed came in November 2015 and Milad followed in December that year.

“The minute we saw daylight we packed whatever we could and ran,” Waleed remembers about the day they decided to leave their home in Syria.

“For me it’s fun,” says Lars. “It’s fantastic, I have new friends and I really like them.”

“We called and offered him a room in our house, and then we told him we are married,” Gabriella said. “He was very nice and polite but it all got very quiet. We thought he might change his mind.”

“They received us with so much love, compassion and care,” Ahmad says about the time when the family found shelter in a church where they met Gabriella and Candel “They were angels.”

Ahmad struggled at first to with the fact that Gabriella is agnostic and in a same-sex relationshipt “But I see how kind they are, I see their humanity, their love and kindness” he says.