Living on Scrap
Chris de Bode
Director: Chris de Bode
Camera, Edit, Grading: Steven Elbers
GoPro Shots: Aabed & Qusai
Research & Facilitation: Save the Children – Jordan Country Office
Facilitation: Artcore Productions BV
Save the Children in Jordan commissioned Dutch photographer and director Chris de Bode and Dutch Filmmaker Steven Elbers to produce a short documentary, ‘Living on Scrap’, which tells the story of two young boys working to support their families by collecting scrap materials.
The film features two 13 year-old boys, one Jordanian, the other a Syrian refugee, who have both had to forfeit their education in exchange for a meagre income, working long hours in the most hazardous conditions. Burdened by a life that has stolen their childhoods, the boys have been forced to grow up prematurely. Though the film focuses on the two boys’ lives it reflects the daily struggle that threatens the future of an entire generation.
If you are interested this film or have any questions please contact directly.