Water & Shade
Chris de Bode
Client: Dutch Relief Alliance
Producer: Martine Bergwerff
Concept & Script: Chris de Bode
Directors: Chris de Bode & Steven Elbers
Camera, montage & colour grading: Steven Elbers
Music: Diederik Idenburg (M-ost)
In South Sudan, 13 Dutch organisations of the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) are helping with emergency relief activities. The alliance includes CARE Netherlands, Cordaid, Dorcas, ICCO, Kerk in Actie, OXFAM NOVIB, Plan Netherlands, Tear, Terre des Hommes, Save the Children, Stichting Vluchteling, War Child, World Vision and ZOA. The DRA was established to provide fast and effective emergency aid to victims of international crises. The aid is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The mini-documentary “Water & Shade” by Chris de Bode and Steven Elbers (9 minutes), which aims to show how the DRA has used the money in South Sudan looks at the community of Jerwong which is rebuilding its damaged houses one year after everyone was forced to flee the fighting between government forces and rebel militia. The short film shows how Dutch aid has allowed people to rebuild their lives in this part of the troubled nation.
If you are interested this film or have any questions please contact marina@panos.co.uk directly.