Entre Terre et Mer
JB Russell
Video: J.B. Russell
Edit: Panos Pictures & Estelle Landi
Client: GRDR Migration-Citoyenneté-Développement
The general view of southwestern Senegal and northwestern Guinea Bissau is that of a region weakened by climate change, conflict, political instability and poverty. This image does not really reflect reality. Over the past few decades, the region has experienced major climate, demographic and economic changes that have often been overshadowed. The inhabitants experience the consequences of the rapid evolution of their society and their environment on a daily basis. Part of the population has become aware of the threat to their way of life and some are struggling to meet the challenge, to adapt and to mitigate the negative consequences. The development of the region will depend on the protection and sustainable exploitation of its exceptional natural resources.
If you are interested this film or have any questions please contact marina@panos.co.uk directly.