Living with MS in Europe
Carlos Spottorno
Concept: Marilyn Smith
Coordination: Ilaria Miglio & Silvia Sino, Italian MS Society (AISM)
Script, video & edit: Carlos Spottorno
Client: European Multiple Sclerosis Platform (EMSP)
Carlos was hired by the European Multiple Sclerosis Platform -EMSP- to coordinate a group of photographers to realise a broad panorama of what life is like if you have MS in Europe. According to Eurobarometer, there are substantial differences in terms of access to diagnosis, treatment, drugs and general empowerment. Carlos and four other photographers travelled to 12 countries and shot 40 people in their home environment. They conducted dozens of interviews with people who have MS and their relatives, friends, carers and specialists.
This is the story of Martina Vagini, an italian woman who has overcome MS, though there is still something missing.
For more information see
If you are interested this film or have any questions please contact directly.