The Battle for Greenland

Espen Rasmussen

Photography, video & sound: Espen Rasmussen
Reporter: Kari Aarstad Aase
Edit: Espen Rasmussen
Thanks to: Jakobine and Kasper Motzfeldt, Karl Lennert, Anna and Ole Egede, Pavia Rohde, Kalistat Lund, Josef Petersen, Ingo, Kunuk, Peter, Mirik & Pavie

Greenland’s vast natural resources, ranging from oil and gas to uranium, rare earth and iron ore, have remained largely inaccessible under thick layers of ice, making them too difficult and expensive to extract. But with a receding ice sheet and new transport routes opening through the Northwest Passage these prized materials have now placed Greenland at the threshold of a potential commodities boom that could see the territory transformed.

Espen Rasmussen visited Greenland to meet both sides of the debate.

If you are interested this film or have any questions please contact directly.